Khulna Women Chamber Annual General Meeting - 2023
Floral greetings to Khulna Press Club President and General Secretary
AB Bank Farmer Smart Card Loan Distribute
Police Commissioner Meeting
Extra General Meeting
Register Joint Stock Company Meeting
Register Joint Stock Company Meeting
Important Messages
President's Message
Welcome to the web page of Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry, a platform to unite and channel the enormous energy, innovations, and opportunities of the women entrepreneurs of Bangladesh. KWCCI is the first ever Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh, created solely with the aim of achieving economic empowerment of women. The dream was born in Nov 2022, through the strong leadership of Murshida Akter Roni
গনপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকারের বাণিজ্য মন্ত্রনালেয়ের
”সিনিয়র সহকারী সচিব জনাব পুলক কুমার মন্ডল ” মহোদয়ের
খুলনা উইমেন চেম্বার পরির্দশন কালে চেম্বারের সভাপতি
জনাবা মুর্শিদা আকতার রনি ও অন্যান্য পরিচালকবৃন্দ তাকে ফুলেল শুভেচ্ছা জানান।
তারিখ: ০৩-০৬-২০২৪ ইং
"Agreement Signing Ceremony"
খুলনা উইমেন চেম্বার অব কমার্স এন্ড ইন্ডাস্ট্রির কার্যালয়ে প্রাইম ব্যাংকের ডেপুটি ম্যানেজিং ডিরেক্টর এম নাজিম এ. চৌধুরীর সাথে ক্ষুদ্র ঋণ (এসএমই) সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে খুলনা উইমেন চেম্বারের সাথে সাইনিং এগ্রিমেন্ট অনুষ্ঠান সঠিক ভাবে সম্পন্ন হয়েছে। উক্ত অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন খুলনা উইমেন চেম্বারের সভাপতি জনাবা মুর্শিদা আকতার রনি, সহ-সভাপতি সহ চেম্বারের পরিচালকবৃন্দ ও সদস্যবৃন্দ ।
তারিখ: ০৫-০৬-২০২৪ ইং
CONSULTATIVE MEETING WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO ENSURE THE ECONOMIC INTEGRATION HUMAN TRAFFICKING SURVIVORS (মানব পাচার থেকে বেঁচে যাওয়া ব্যক্তিদের অর্থনৈতিক সংহতি নিশ্চিত করতে বেসরকারি খাতের সাথে পরামর্শমূলক বৈঠক) DATE: 10 JUNE 2024
অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন খুলনা উইমেন চেম্বার অব কমার্স এন্ড ইন্ডাস্ট্রির সভাপতি জনাবা মুর্শিদা আকতার রনি।
তারিখ: ১০-০৬-২০২৪ ইং
Congratulated Khulna Chamber of Commerce and Industry President.
President of Khulna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Kazi Aminul Haque, President of Khulna Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Murshida Akhtar Roni, Director Kaniz Fatema and Sumaiya Rahman congratulated Mr. Khulna Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Date : 11-06-2024
Directorate of Joint Venture Companies and Firms National Corporate Governance Strategy Action Plan 2023-2024
According to the objectives of the Directorate of Joint Capital Companies and Firms' National Cleanliness Strategy Action Plan 2023-2024 1.3 for the establishment of good governance, the Registrar (Additional Secretary) Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman congratulates NDC Mr. Khulna Women's Chamber of Khulna Women's Chamber of President of Commerce and Industry Mr. Murshida Akhtar Roni, Director Kaniz Fatema and Sumaiya Rahman.
Date : 11-06-2024
"Congratulations Khulna Press Club President and General Secretary"
Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce President gave floral greetings to Khulna Press Club President and General Secretary.
“Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, an emblem of Humanity, Leadership & Spectacular Development-Respectfully wishing you a blissful birthday in advance.”
“Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, an emblem of Humanity, Leadership & Spectacular Development-Respectfully wishing you a blissful birthday in advance.”
-Tarique Afzal, President and Managing Director
AB Bank disbursed agricultural loans to over 1500 small and marginal farmers through smart cards at Khulna. At the same event the Bank awarded certificates and disbursed Shohoj Loans (Remembering Bangabandhu) to women entrepreneurs after successful compilation of the training program.
The program was organized at Tiger Garden International Hotel, Khulna. Mr. Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Honorable Mayor, Khulna City Corporation was present as chief guest.
Mr. Tarique Afzal, President and Managing Director presided over the program where Mr. S.M. Hasan Reza, Executive Director, Khulna Office, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Kazi Aminul Haque, Director, The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Mr. S M Nazrul Islam, President, Khulna Press Club, Agronomist Mr. Mohan Kumar Ghosh, Additional Director, Department of Agriculture Extension, Khulna and Ms. Murshida Akter Roni, President, Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry were present as special guests. Local dignitaries along with other officials of the Bank also attended the program.
"Khulna Chamber of commerce and Industry and Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and industry
President to meet and courtesy is hard "
Khulna Kmp
" Congratulations to the Mayor of Khulna City Corporation"
Khulna City Corporation has re-elected Mr. Talukder Abdul Khalek as the repeatedly elected Mayor. Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Murshida Akter Roni gave floral greetings to the mayor.
"Indian Embassy Request letter for a view exchange meeting "
Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s details of demand.
With due respect, as per your email on 05th January, 2023. We would like to inform the details of your demand about Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry as per below:
· Organization Name:- Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry
· Name of the president:- Mrs. Murshida Akter Roni
· Name of the Sr. vice-president:- Mrs. Rahima Jalal
· Name of the vice-presidents:- 1)Salima Morsalin, 2) Kaniz Sultana, 3)Arifa Jahan
"Khulna Deputy Commissioner"
Khulna Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Sr. Vice- President ,Director and Secretary meet the Honorable Khulna Deputy Commissioner.
Why Become a Member
Training on women entrepreneurship development and skill based training.
Online Business Promotion.
Bank loan preparedness.
Business counseling services
Product marketing.
Trade fair participation.
KWCCI Progressive Awards.
Medium educated women can get computer training course etc.
Training on how to work and get money through online as freelancing.
Training and experienced on I.T section work.
Training on computer hardware and software installation work.
All types of electronics work.
Training on warning works.
Training on tailoring course.
Training on good quality food making and delivery through online.
All types of agricultural firm’s like- Fisheries, Poultry, Furniture making, Cattle firming etc.
Training on making handicrafts.
Training on weaving industry works.
Training on block and batik.
Training on all kinds of mechanical works.
To provide scholarship for the meritorious students of school, colleges and universities.
Besides another some training if doing a training program that will be made our chamber.